Why I need to take responsibility always?

No matter how much mess our life is in at times, we can start improving it by taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

When you have decided to change your life, it will not only be you who will be involved. There will be other people; your family members, your children, your colleagues who will be a part of that change.
      You may often have this query that why should I make those changes in my lifestyle, in my way of living or my thinking, why can't others do anything?

The answer depends upon; how much is the thing or person valuable for you?

Once You start to change, the people and energy around will also start changing. You may not get others to change direction or expect others to change however you can certainly inspire others around you to change subconsciously.
 Focus on changing your thinking, your attitude and your actions rather than giving energy to others thinking or where they need to change.
Others' thinking and actions fall in the circle of concern but you can only change things that are in the circle of influence.
When you take responsibility at work or in your relations, it becomes easy for people around you to trust and be dependent upon you.

When my first child was born, I made a list of attitudes I wanted to develop in her. This list included almost all the attitudes required in a person with a positive personality. 

After my list was ready, I asked myself a question that how much of this I had in me?
That was the day when my journey to improve myself had started. That was the time when I made a decision to be the person my child would ever aspire to be. Who she actually aspire to be when she will grow up, I don't know. But when I took that responsibility to be a better person, a better professional, a better wife, a better mom and above all a better human. I am living my life responsibly and happily since then.

As gracefully said by Brian Tracy:

"The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life."

Self-Responsibility improves your self-esteem as you start feeling good about yourself.

Isha Khanna


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