Be a leader who empowers others

Do people often ask you, what they should be doing?

It's not that they don't know the answer to that question. It's just that they don't want to take responsibility for the outcome.

Life becomes pretty simple when you start taking responsibility for your thinking and actions, but the most difficult thing is to take responsibility.

You might have a lot of people coming to you to know the answers to their life's problems. If you think they are coming to you because you may help them as you have some experience or knowledge, maybe you are right. 

You may know a lot of things better than others.And At times, we need guidance as well, since we are not able to look at the problem and solution clearly because of our attachment to the outcome.

But if you want to help someone never spoon-feed the answer else that person will become dependent upon you.

However, you can help them by giving them a different perspective, discuss their problems and possible solutions but don't offer them an answer.
          People are looking for an answer, as I shared that they are scared of taking responsibility for the outcome. Still, no matter how many times they ask you what they should do, never answer. Instead, help them come with possible solutions and empower them to take that solution. 

A great leader isn't the one who makes people dependent upon them but empower others in such a way to make them self dependent.

Remember Live and Let Live.

Would appreciate your responses in the comments if I am able to help you improve the quality of your life with the help of my blogs and quotes.

Isha Khanna


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