This is Why people can't trust you

Will you ever ask a Plumber to fix your tap if he doesn't believe that he is capable enough?

Believe in Yourself!

If you won't then who will?

Why would your teacher believe in you, if you don't?

Why would your boss trust you to do an extraordinary task, when you don't believe you can do it?

Why would you get a promotion, if you don't feel you deserve it?

Why would your parents think that you can handle a situation well If you don't think so?

Why would your spouse think that you can handle the relationships or manage home well when you don't?

Why would your Children come and share their problems with you if you don't think you can solve them?

The Universe and God always put us in a situation only when thee think that we are capable enough to handle it.

If you think that you are not getting a big break, the reason could be you don't believe that you can handle it.

A simple way to start believing on yourself is;

Write down

I believe I deserve the best
I believe I can handle it
I believe I can solve my problems
I believe I can handle big projects
I believe I can solve or guide my children
I believe I can be a great spouse
I believe I can be great in maintaining relationships
...Keep on adding more to the list

Repeat the above affirmations all day at the back of your mind.
You will see gradually you will start getting big breaks, bigger projects to handle, spouse and children will start trusting you.

You will feel the power in you that you have never experienced before.

Magic! Yes, it is, The Magic of our thoughts and vibration.

Get in touch with me to develop your confidence to live the life of your dreams.

Isha Khanna



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