Communicate to include not exclude


A few days ago, I had a conversation with an acquaintance named Jyoti, who relocated to Pune several months ago following her marriage as her spouse found work here.

During our conversation, she expressed her love for working in the city, but there was one aspect that troubled her — she had been unable to make friends at her office, where she worked at a private company.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to understand the reason

Jyoti shared that everyone in her team is Maharashtrian, and during their breaks, they converse in the regional language. She also wishes to join in and make friends, but the language barrier hinders her. Despite her colleagues suggesting, “You should learn the language if you want to stay here,” she acknowledges that it will take some time.

People move to different states and, sometimes, countries for various reasons such as job opportunities, education, family changes, climate preferences, or caring for ageing parents. It’s not realistic to expect everyone to understand the regional language within a few months. This is not a situation unique to Pune; it’s the case in cities like Bangalore, Chennai, and many others.

I believe that when companies hire people from diverse regions, they should encourage a culture of communication in a common language.

Implementing a language policy at the workplace would create a more inclusive environment.

Moreover, effective communication is not solely about language; it’s about conveying your thoughts using a language understood by others.

Many multinational companies prefer English as their workplace language. However, according to Ambition Box, out of 39,879 companies in Pune, only 20–25 are MNCs, so what about the others?

Effective communication in a common language in the workplace can significantly contribute to the mental health and overall well-being of employees.

Here are three reasons why this practice can be beneficial:

1. Reduced Isolation and Loneliness:

When employees can communicate in a common language, it fosters a sense of belonging and inclusion. It reduces feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are common contributors to mental health issues. People are more likely to make friends and feel connected to their colleagues when they can engage in meaningful conversations. This social support network can be vital for emotional well-being.

2. Clarity and Reduced Stress:

Clear and effective communication is essential to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace. When employees can understand and convey information without language barriers, it minimizes misunderstandings and misinterpretations. This, in turn, leads to a more comfortable and less stressful work environment. Employees can focus on their tasks and goals, rather than worrying about communication breakdowns.

3. Enhanced Psychological Safety:

Psychological safety is a critical factor for mental well-being at work. When employees feel safe expressing their thoughts and concerns in a common language, they are more likely to communicate openly. This can lead to better conflict resolution, problem-solving, and stress management. Employees are less fearful of making mistakes or facing judgment when they can communicate effectively.

Considering that the average employed person spends roughly one-third of their day at the workplace, effective communication in a common language is crucial to enable people from different parts of the country or world to connect and form friendships.

By incorporating this principle into the organizational culture, private companies can support the mental well-being of employees who relocate to a different city and may not have many friends there.

It’s important to be mindful of these potential issues and use regional languages in the workplace judiciously to ensure effective communication and a harmonious work environment.

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Isha Khanna








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