Importance of Adult Learning Styles


"Mumma, why don't you join our school as a teacher?" This is a constant request from both of my children who never miss an opportunity to remind me that if I enjoy teaching, why not teach kids in their school?

Always with a smile, I have to say, "No, dear, I teach adults."

So, what is the difference?

The difference lies in the style in which adults learn.

Anyways, that brings me to the topic of Adult Learning Principles.

Adult learning principles are guidelines and theories that inform how educators should design and facilitate learning experiences for adult learners. These principles take into account the unique characteristics and needs of adult learners and help create more effective and engaging educational experiences.

Here are some key adult learning principles:

Self-Directed Learning:

Adults prefer to take responsibility for their own learning. They want to set their own goals and objectives, make choices about what and how they learn, and assess their progress.

Relevance and Motivation:

Learning is most effective when adults see the immediate relevance of the content to their personal or professional lives. Adults are motivated to learn when they understand why the information or skills are important and how they can apply them.

Prior Experience:

Adults bring a wealth of life experiences, knowledge, and skills to the learning process. Effective adult education acknowledges and builds upon this existing knowledge.

Readiness to Learn:

Adults are more likely to learn when they perceive a need to know or when they believe they can benefit from the learning experience. Readiness can be influenced by life transitions, job changes, or personal interests.

Orientation to Learning:

Adults tend to be problem-centred and task-oriented in their approach to learning. They are more interested in learning things that have immediate applicability and can help them solve real-world problems.

Practical Application:

Adults prefer learning that has practical applications. They want to use what they've learned in their everyday lives or work.

Collaborative and Social Learning:

While adults can be self-directed, they also benefit from opportunities for social interaction and collaboration. Group discussions, peer learning, and networking can enhance the learning experience.

Feedback and Reflection:

Adults appreciate feedback on their progress. They benefit from opportunities to reflect on their learning, adjust their strategies, and apply what they've learned in new situations.

Lifelong Learning:

Adults view learning as a lifelong journey. They are open to learning opportunities at various stages of life and careers and see education as a continuous process.

Variety of Learning Styles:

Adult learners have diverse learning styles and preferences. Effective educators offer a variety of teaching methods, materials, and formats to accommodate these differences.

Flexibility and Convenience:

Adult learners often have busy lives and multiple responsibilities. Flexible learning formats, such as online courses or evening classes, are more accessible to them.

Respect and Empowerment:

Adult learners appreciate being treated with respect and as equal partners in the learning process. They want to have a say in their learning experiences and be empowered to make decisions about their education.

These principles are not strict rules but rather guidelines that educators and instructional designers can use to create more effective and learner-centred educational experiences for adults.

Adhering to these principles can enhance the engagement, motivation, and success of adult learners.

I couldn't give my children satisfaction by being a teacher in their school, but I always ensure that they are a great and important part of my life by doing whatever it takes to be a part of their lives.

The above picture was taken by my husband when I performed a dance with my son, Luvya, at his school's Krishna Janmashtami celebration.

Here are three reasons why any company should hire me as a trainer at their next training event:

  1. I engage my audience through real-life experiences and stories.
  2. I am fully engaged with them at every point during the training.
  3. I live a life that I can share in my training, so I have instances full of the things that I have tried, the things I have failed at, and the things that helped me grow in my personal and professional life.

In short, I bring training to life and my life to training.

Get in touch for #softskillstraining, #Behaviouralskills,

#nlptraining, #lifecoaching, #ParentCoaching, and #ChangeManagementtraining.

Follow for #confidence, #motivation, #womenempowerment, #parenting.


Isha Khanna








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