
Showing posts from August, 2021

Tip to increase Self Esteem in Kids

According to researcher Robert A.Emmons, Appreciating people the right way not only increases their self Esteem but also reduces the chances of depression. How often do you give credit to your children in front of them for something that you have learnt from them? It can be a skill or it can be a thought, perspective or idea that you have got from them. An old mindset is that if you praise your children, then they get overboard with it. So, a lot of people never encourage children in front of them and behind them, they keep appreciating them. Some parents do it just to please their children and due to which the children can't handle the world properly when they don't get that response from the outside world. Appreciating children the right way is an art. The problem with the old mindset is that the children start feeling that the parents don't value their contribution and parents don't like them which is not the case in reality. The right kind of approach is

This is Why people can't trust you

Will you ever ask a Plumber to fix your tap if he doesn't believe that he is capable enough? Believe in Yourself! If you won't then who will? Why would your teacher believe in you, if you don't? Why would your boss trust you to do an extraordinary task, when you don't believe you can do it? Why would you get a promotion, if you don't feel you deserve it? Why would your parents think that you can handle a situation well If you don't think so? Why would your spouse think that you can handle the relationships or manage home well when you don't? Why would your Children come and share their problems with you if you don't think you can solve them? The Universe and God always put us in a situation only when thee think that we are capable enough to handle it. If you think that you are not getting a big break, the reason could be you don't believe that you can handle it. A simple way to start believing on yourself is; Write down I believe I deser

Tip to be a better version of yourself

Does another person's opinion stop you to grow or be the best version of yourself? Have you ever limited yourself from what you can offer in a relationship or to the world due to the opinions people have about you? People will come from different dimensions of life to judge you to fit you in a mindset that they have about you. They may criticize you saying that you are not right till the time you start acting according to their wishes. But, never let their opinions of you define who you truly can be. If boundaries need to be set then do that. You have all the rights to live life on your terms as far as you are growing to be a better version of yourself and creating the life you want. It can be tough to exist in an environment where people don't accept you wherein people are trying to manipulate you to get their work done. But still it is a beautiful world, would quote few lines here from my favourite poem Desiderata: "Enjoy your achievements as well as your pla

Change! Your life Your Responsibility

Change is never easy especially when the people around you are not willing to change. But, Will you let the wrong attitude or close mindset of people around you stop you from growing. It is your life, you have all the rights to live it in the best way possible and be the best version of yourself. However, the journey might not be easy. There may be people who will try to pull you back and these can be your near and dear ones as well whom you have never expected will ever stop you from growing. Still, these things happen, so will you quit growing to be the best version of yourself? No, you can't stop, you can't quit being the best version of yourself and that is one of the reasons you have got this birth as a human being else you could have been an animal.        As clearly mentioned in Bhagwat Geeta that after so many births you have got this birth as a human being so you can improve your deeds and be a better version of yourself so you should do just that.

Tips to overcome fear of mistakes and failure

Are your past mistakes, stopping you to innovate? Are you not able to let go of your past mistakes, maybe in professional or personal relationships? Are you finding it difficult to let go of your past? Are you not able to forgive yourself for treating the way you have treated yourself in the past? Are you still facing difficulty in creating a new reality for yourself because you have burdened yourself with the past? If any of the above questions is true for you then let me remind you that you have grown since you were born because of the mistakes you have made since then. Remember the first time when you tried to sit as a baby, Were you able to sit on the first go? No, that was your first mistake may be. But, Did you stop then? You tried again till the time you could sit up on your own without any support. You could easily move ahead with that mistake as you were a baby and people expect you to make those mistakes as a baby. However, now that you have grown up as an adult and people ha

Why I need to take responsibility always?

No matter how much mess our life is in at times, we can start improving it by taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. When you have decided to change your life, it will not only be you who will be involved. There will be other people; your family members, your children, your colleagues who will be a part of that change.       You may often have this query that why should I make those changes in my lifestyle, in my way of living or my thinking, why can't others do anything? The answer depends upon; how much is the thing or person valuable for you? Once You start to change, the people and energy around will also start changing. You may not get others to change direction or expect others to change however you can certainly inspire others around you to change subconsciously.  Focus on changing your thinking, your attitude and your actions rather than giving energy to others thinking or where they need to change. Others' thinking and actions fall in the circl

Be a leader who empowers others

Do people often ask you, what they should be doing? It's not that they don't know the answer to that question. It's just that they don't want to take responsibility for the outcome. Life becomes pretty simple when you start taking responsibility for your thinking and actions, but the most difficult thing is to take responsibility. You might have a lot of people coming to you to know the answers to their life's problems. If you think they are coming to you because you may help them as you have some experience or knowledge, maybe you are right.  You may know a lot of things better than others.And At times, we need guidance as well, since we are not able to look at the problem and solution clearly because of our attachment to the outcome. But if you want to help someone never spoon-feed the answer else that person will become dependent upon you. However, you can help them by giving them a different perspective, discuss their problems and possible solutions but don'

Tip to improve any kind of relation

Stop and Start tip to improve relations: Have you ever asked why your parents are like that or why your sibling behaves in a certain way or why your childhood friend is like that? Never, right. Because we have seen these relationships since the time of birth or our childhood and we have grown up with them. However, we generally ask these questions for the relations we make when we grow up like our spouse, in-laws, sister or brother laws, new friends or boss or colleagues. These relations are new and maybe the experiences with them are also new. By the time, we grow up we have created certain world views w.r.t these Relations. A spouse should be like that; if he gives flowers or does similar loving things for you then only he loves you. If your in-laws behave in a certain way then only they care for you. If your boss is treating you in a certain way then only he is a good leader or many more. Thanks to the tv shows and movies that have helped us in creating these stereotype

Few Ideas to cope up with the New Normal

 The sooner you accept the new normal as the new reality, you will be in a better position to cope with the changes it is bringing in our lives. Few things can be included as a part of our daily routine to ensure strong mental and physical health: 1)Make Exercise a part of your daily routine. If you can't go out then look for various exercise options available at home. Opt for Yoga classes, Aerobics or even for a walking person like me there is a walking exercise also on YouTube wherein they play wonderful music and walk at different speeds with some steps of exercise as well. It's amazing. If going outdoor is an option for you then opt for cycling, running, gym or any of your choice. It doesn't matter which one you choose as far as you include it as a part of your daily routine. One more thing I have realised that when I start getting tired of walking at one place and if I change the place then without realising I can walk for long. 2)Take out time to connect inwards-  Me

Tip to attract Abundance in life

The biggest widespread misconception is that there is less. There isn't less of anything be it the right job, the right opportunity, the right kind of people or anything. It's just that it starts coming to us when we become ready for that. An example: Till the time I have old clothes in my cupboard, I won't have space for new clothes. The moment I create space for the new clothes by getting rid of old ones, new clothes will start to come from expected or unexpected sources. That is Abundance. To allow new things to happen in life, we first need to get rid of old thinking and be open to embracing new ideas. Abundance is always there all the time-Abundance of love, wealth, job opportunities, good friends or healthy food options. Just create the space to let it in. One affirmation to support the thought: I attract Abundance in my life from expected and unexpected sources. Change the thought of scarcity to abundance and gradually it will come to you. Please

Want to live your dream life -Define your PPS !

We all dream of an ideal life but only a few can put those many efforts and be able to change themselves for that ideal life. Tell me if you can connect with this in the comments. I get inspired by beautiful lines, quotes, movies, songs, people or many other ways. I have decided that I am also going to change my life. I am all charged up. I create my new schedule, set a timetable to make sure that I divide my time as per my priorities and then...Life Happens. Yes, Life is never the same, it keeps changing in some way or another. Maybe I am given different responsibilities at work or my child's school schedule has changed or maybe some guests have come and then I tell myself that is not possible now so let's start working upon our new goals after I get free from all this. Then, I forget about it until I get inspired again by some external event. This time again either I pick up that goal book that I once made or create a new one again. Some other thing happ

Is your Self-worth dependent upon others?

It is very easy to be defined by the role we are playing and criticize ourselves when we don't do well. However, we should always remember that successful people don't doom themselves when they make mistakes.       They have an attitude to look at the mistake from a perspective of improvement. They look at it not to criticise themselves but to see what went wrong and in what ways they can improve. Then they start giving all their energy to improving it in the best way possible. Successful people have achieved great heights not because others have recognised their worth since the beginning but they are there because they have recognised their worth even in those times when others didn't. Always recognise your worth despite the stage of life you are in and keep working upon your self-improvement and success is all yours. Thanks for giving likes and comments when you agree. Isha Khanna #motivation  #inspiration  #successmindset  #ishakhanna  #ish

Keep Going!

Keep going! Keep going even when you are the hardest hit Keep going even when you don't see a Way out Keep going just keep going! No matter how much capable you are hurdles will always be there and they are there to enhance your capability Our life is not to surrender when faced with challenges so just keep going! Keep going even when your efforts are not showing any results Keep going when going gets tough Keep going when you are alone Keep going as far as you are moving in the direction of your Goals Trust your instinct, the way may not be clear today but as you keep going your way will start to show up. Please drop a comment below, if you liked the blog. You can follow me on Social Media as well. Thanks Isha Khanna

Redefine your life

The purpose of life is not just to live because we are born! still, most people live their lives waiting for the day to die, especially when we get old.  Every human is born with a purpose, the purpose is visible from a young age, at times it isn't. The purpose doesn't have to be always doing something for the world only but even when a wife or mother enjoys or find contentment in sacrificing her life for the sake of her family or children, it's a purpose.  When we do something so passionately that helps us connect with ourselves be it creating a piece of art, developing software, leading a team for the betterment of the company, building houses or anything.          When we give the right meaning to something it helps us to live a happy and peaceful life. There are a lot of things that we have to do but till the time we keep on saying "have to do", we will never be able to put our whole energy and soul into that. However, changing it to "want to