
Showing posts from 2022

Top Ten reasons why every woman should be financially independent

  Do you know women make up 48% of the total population of India? The above statistic is from Also, as per the Union Budget 2022, Women's employability is at  51.44 per cent  for 2022, compared to 41.25 per cent in 2021. It is more than what we had in 2021. It is great news, isn't it? Yes, it is. I strongly feel that India can become a developed country only when the women of India realize their power to support their household along with becoming financially independent. Over two decades a lot of women and society at large have understood that women should be equally educated as men. But they still have not understood that the story doesn't end here. It's not about making women educated and the work is done. Let me bring a chapter of my life in front. I was 9 years old when my father passed away. My mom had to take care of me and my brother alone. My mom is a very bold and extremely talented woman but when my father left, she was completely fa

Think positive and let go of it!

Thought for the day! A lot of times we think that we have thought positive of the other person still the person behaved unexpectedly. When we thought positive about someone it's good for us as we created positive energy around us and passed that energy to the other person. But when we get emotionally attached to our positive thought and start expecting another person to behave in the expected way that is where we are going wrong. When our parents get old thinking we want what is best for them and start making decisions on their behalf however it is not well appreciated by them. That is genuine because we would not appreciate someone making decisions on our behalf when we are getting old. It's annoying. When I started earning my mom (single parent) was running a boutique and Me and my brother encouraged her to stop working as we have started earning. We felt it was a good decision to be concerned about our parents and encourage them to stop working hard for b

The Mindset to accept Old Age Gracefully

Growing old is a natural process but feeling old isn’t! I have heard many people saying confidently that I see my life till 60 years of age post that it’s a burden. But what they don’t realise is life and death are not in our hands. When we think this way we accept that we won’t be living post 60 years of age. Due to this, we are never prepared when the transition begins to happen in reality and start feeling discontent with the new stage of life. Feeling old is a belief attached to old age. Just because, you can’t do things you could do earlier is not a good reason to feel old. There is a concept of Conscious Competence learning that we need to understand whenever adapting to a new way of living. Look at the example below to understand that and how you can apply this to your life when you want to learn a new way of living. Think of the time when you held a smartphone first time in hand. You first disliked the fact that you don’t know how to use a smartphone and you might have resisted

Tips to help others sail through Life Changing events

Regardless of where we are standing in our lives, we have someone around us who is going through changes. The child who is starting school for the first time The person who is changing their marital status The person who has been forced by circumstances to live as a single parent Or Parents who are moving to an inactive lifestyle from an active lifestyle And the list is long Whenever change happens in life it brings a lot of fear, discomfort and a lot of uncertainties about the future. When we grow up we move from being dependent to becoming independent. Then when kids arrive we grow from independence to dependence again. Then when kids grow up again we become independent again. In the process we all become old and experienced, we learn more but when we look back at the time when the change was happening, was it easy? No, it wasn't, we looked for people who could listen to us, who could understand us, and who could support us while we were handling that change in the be

Raise a leader not a bully!

Leaders speak with conviction and bullies too - Who are you nurturing a leader or a bully? Eyes closed doesn't mean everything is alright around! Parents need to be there for their children actively to love them, support them, guide them and help them correct their behaviour when needed. Sometimes some things happen due to which we have to take a few decisions in life. If we have taken a decision try to make it right in the best way possible.  But regardless of what decision you have taken try to ensure that it doesn't affect your child to an extent that he starts acting as a bully to others. Try the following things when you feel there is something that Google can't help you with: ~Connect with people around ~Don't live your life in isolation connect with other parents regularly ~Go down for a small walk when your kids are playing so they feel your presence  ~Speak to them about their day-Ask them about the good things and the things that didn't go well

Tips to change the way things are

Knowing who you are and deciding what you want to become is all you need to change your life. Every moment consciously spent can give you a lot of insight😇 into who you are. What holds you from seeking to know why you do what you do? Have you ever bothered to understand the reason for many things why you do what you do in life? Here I am sharing the story of The Holy cat: Once upon a time in an Ashram whenever the head guru would sit for prayer with his disciples, the ashram cat would come and disturb them. Guru asked them to tie the cat when the ashram was at prayer. After the guru died, the cat continued to be tied up at worship time. After the cat died, another cat was brought into the ashram to ensure that the guru's orders were observed faithfully during the worship time. Centuries passed and learnt treatises were written by the guru's scholarly disciples on the ritualistic significance of tying the cat at worship time. Now the questions to ponder is:

How to Take your power back?

Don't make someone's opinion of you your reality~Les Brown Start with an empty slate of who you are if you want to change the way you perceive yourself today. List the qualities you have and also the qualities you want to develop. Once you have listed the aspiring qualities set a goal to develop that quality. In front of that quality give an exact date by which you want to have that aspiring quality as a part of your personality. Use the SMART goal acronym to develop qualities and habits. S-  Be specific about what quality you want to develop? M- How would you measure or how would you know if you have developed the desired quality? A- Is it achievable? Is it possible for you to acquire that quality or do you need specific resources or people to help you with that? R- Is it Relevant keeping your whole life in perspective? Does it help you achieve your overall life purpose as well? T- Have you given time by when you will be able to make this a part of your demeanour?

Tips to stop judging yourself or others

It feels bad when we are judged but what about the times when we judge others? As per science, our mind processes only 134 bits of data out of 2 million data available every time so can you see how much data is being lost? Also, do you know that we all process data differently based upon which of our five senses we use to process that data? If we are looking at the world based upon our way of looking at it, based upon our thinking and not based on what is the reality, we don't have any right to judge others. A few days back I met a lady who said that I never realised the value of behaving this way when my mom in law would do it. But now as I have entered the age I realise that if I hadn't judged her that time I would have had a much better relationship with her when she was alive. Isn't it a story of all? We all understand the situation when we face that situation ourselves, when we have to go through the same struggles we understand the struggle of others. Howe

Tips for a peaceful life

If peace is missing in your life then this post is for you. Every person in the universe is entitled to a peaceful life but whether we claim our award is in our hands. If your vision is to live peacefully while working upon your goals then you need to develop a mindset. Yes developing a mindset is the key. Before I share that, There are few things you need to be aware of and keep in mind : ~No matter how planned everything is there will be hiccups at the time of execution. ~The earth is constantly moving, energies are constantly exchanging you can't control everything on the planet. ~You can't control what is out of your circle of influence. ~You need to accept it as it is what you can't control. ~You are responsible for your thought process and not how people respond. You are dealing with fellow humans and if they irritate you, bother you or trouble you and maybe today you have awareness of that but you might have also hurt someone unconsciously when y

Who will believe in you when you won't?

Are you wasting every day of your life thinking as if there is another tomorrow? Doing unnecessary things Binge-watching Sleeping every day for long hours Spending time with people you don't want in your life Or under influence of a substance But what if there is no tomorrow, this is the only day that you have with you? Will you still spend it the way you have been spending it or Will you make some changes? If yes, what would be those changes? Have you given up your dreams just like Salman in the sultan movie and started living a mediocre life? Are you waiting for some external motivation and won't wake up till the time you get it? Then, I will remind you that a movie is created by a director and everything is scripted but in our life, we are the directors of our life. If you are waiting for an external motivation then you may waste every day but it might never come. We all are selfish humans we all have come on this planet for ourselves. When you don't succeed

Value yourself

  For how long you are going to live at the mercy of others recognizing your value? We seek people who see value in us when we don't see it ourselves We look for partners who believe in us when we don't believe in ourselves We want others to love us when we don't love ourselves We want employers to trust our capabilities when we don't Just merely being aware of the fact that you have been created by God makes you a person of value, there is no doubt about it. God has thought something for you while giving you this life and that too of a human being and not just an animal or a plant who can't do anything exceptional like a human. I am not disregarding animals or other creatures here but I want to highlight the fact that human being can think, create and be whatever he wants just by focusing their attention there. But this is only possible for a human being who knows his worth. If you are being dependent on others to show you your worth or value then I wish you get t

Why its important for you to learn and grow everyday?

  As a Human, it's your responsibility to help, support, guide and mentor a fellow human. When we become selfish and start comparing ourselves with others, we also stop growing as a person. We stop giving, sharing thinking that the other person has or knows already, but sometimes some unique perspective can be very beneficial for others. So, should you stop sharing knowledge or experience with others just because others may become better than you? No, because every person doesn't have the same goals though it seems the same position everybody looks for different things in that. Everyone doesn't go to work just for money someone goes for financial independence Someone goes for self-respect Someone goes to develop one's skills Someone goes to apply and learn more Someone goes for a leadership position Someone goes for an encouraging environment Someone goes to come out of their comfort zone So, every person has a different reason to work so their wants are also different.