Top Ten reasons why every woman should be financially independent


Do you know women make up 48% of the total population of India?

The above statistic is from

Also, as per the Union Budget 2022, Women's employability is at 51.44 per cent for 2022, compared to 41.25 per cent in 2021. It is more than what we had in 2021.

It is great news, isn't it? Yes, it is.

I strongly feel that India can become a developed country only when the women of India realize their power to support their household along with becoming financially independent.

Over two decades a lot of women and society at large have understood that women should be equally educated as men. But they still have not understood that the story doesn't end here. It's not about making women educated and the work is done. Let me bring a chapter of my life in front.

I was 9 years old when my father passed away. My mom had to take care of me and my brother alone. My mom is a very bold and extremely talented woman but when my father left, she was completely fallen apart as there was a lot on her plate to handle at that time.

Before marriage, She had completed her high school education and acquired a lot of creative knowledge like stitching, embroidery, knitting and cooking. My grandmother who was a single parent post-partition crisis never encouraged her to work as she didn't want her daughter to go through those struggles that she had to go through and got her married.

But what happened after 13 years of her marriage when my father passed away unknowingly she had to manage things on her own.

I am not sharing this story to say that the same things might happen with every woman but that life is uncertain and every woman should be proactive to apply the knowledge they have so god forbid if something unforeseen happens, they know how to manage things on their own.

I am still surprised to find out that a lot of women after being educated still sitting at home and doing nothing apart from what they might have seen their mothers have done.

I am not degrading anyone's life here. I am not against homemakers but I strongly feel that a woman should keep on learning and applying the knowledge she has acquired all these years.

When a woman goes to work, She is not only enhancing the quality of her life in many ways but also adding a lot of value to the household.

Below are ten reasons why every woman should be financially independent:

  1. Her confidence level increases because she starts to create an identity of her own due to the work she does.
  2. She learns to manage wealth.
  3. She learns to present herself confidently in different situations life and work offer to her.
  4. She develops her own perception about things and does not just keep on settling for what has been told to her by others.
  5. She brings different perceptions back to the household as well.
  6. She starts realizing her true worth and that stops her to live at the mercy of the man she depends upon if the man is not worth it.
  7. A working woman has the confidence to stand up for herself even if the whole world is on the other side.
  8. A woman is a strong pillar of society. It's said in our ancient epics that a woman decides the destiny of the home she goes into. A positive and calm woman will create a positive aura for the household and the children as well.
  9. The female child in the household learns a lot from her working mom as well. How to respect herself and take care of her own needs along with taking care of the needs of others.
  10. The male child understands the value of every woman and how to ensure that love and respect are given to every woman as he has seen the struggles a woman goes through in life himself.

As said by Haile Selassie, a former emperor of Ethiopia(Africa) :

“Knowledge is power. If it is not applied properly to create, let there be no doubts, it will destroy.”

I strongly urge every woman to utilize their education in the best way possible to create a better country and a better world at large.

Please follow for #Motivation,#womenempowerment,#Worklifebalance.


Isha Khanna


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