
Showing posts from September, 2020

You Matter

 You matter This is for all the children, all the men and all the women in the world, Each one of you matter . Whether you are a success or a failure, whether you are talented by birth or just the one who hasn’t figured it out yet. When you are sitting in your room alone and all your classmates or colleagues have gone for lunch  and your mind has started wandering. You might be wondering at times looking at the children or people around ,various why's of your life. Why I am huge, why I am thin, why I am fat, why I am dark, why I am so quiet, why I don’t have any talent, why I am not born in the kind of family that my friend has, why I don’t get things easily and many more.  Let me tell you, even though you are all that you don’t want may be, still You Matter. Yes , You matter ! You are important ! .You have been born in this world as a human being as you have something in you through with which you can serve your purpose. What that purpose is ,you will have to identify. Sometimes i

Poem on Confidence

Poem on Confidence Confidence is a feeling ,it's an attitude, Feel good within and keep paying gratitude, Disliking yourself won't change anything, Acceptance is the key to everything. Don't like something have the courage to change it, If you can't change then it's wise to embrace it, Quality that seems like  a weakness today, Might act as your biggest strength some day. Keep working on yourself day in and day out, You are the star of Universe ! There isn't any doubt, The super power is watching you from the sky above, Keep filling your heart with immense love. Just like a full pot doesn't make any noise, The love within overflows to reach every corner of choice, Trust your struggles it'll bring the best in you, Grow everyday with a vision inside you. God is showering blessings in every way, Thankfulness helps to get what he is trying to say, Confidence is a feeling it's an attitude, Feel good within and keep paying gratitude.