You Matter

 You matter

This is for all the children, all the men and all the women in the world, Each one of you matter .

Whether you are a success or a failure, whether you are talented by birth or just the one who hasn’t figured it out yet.
When you are sitting in your room alone and all your classmates or colleagues have gone for lunch  and your mind has started wandering. You might be wondering at times looking at the children or people around ,various why's of your life. Why I am huge, why I am thin, why I am fat, why I am dark, why I am so quiet, why I don’t have any talent, why I am not born in the kind of family that my friend has, why I don’t get things easily and many more.

 Let me tell you, even though you are all that you don’t want may be, still You Matter.

Yes ,You matter ! You are important !.You have been born in this world as a human being as you have something in you through with which you can serve your purpose. What that purpose is ,you will have to identify. Sometimes it comes easy to some and sometimes it takes a lot of introspection.
But you know what ,every creature created by god comes in different forms in some way. However, when we look at animals we say they are all same but ask the people who pet an animal and they will tell you that how their pet may be a dog or a cat is so different than the other dogs or cats.

One day I was strolling in the park a thought came across my mind, there are so many trees in this big wild world but no 2 trees are exactly same. Even if seeds are planted at the same time both trees will take their own time to grow. Both will take the energy ,soil, water as per it’s own needs, both will have different number of leaves, both will have branches moving to different directions ,both will take their own space to grow.

So, which one is better?  which one is Unique? Which one is needed by others?
Both give oxygen to the world and both matters .Whether it is needed by others or not it still exist because it has to. A tree is a tree whether it gives fruits or no fruits, leaves or no leaves, gives you shade like a banyan tree or stand straight like a coconut tree, seeds are small like an apple or huge like a coconut.
When we don’t know someone it is easy to generalize.
When you are born in this world, there is a place for you as well. But does it come easily to you
 always ? I know a lot of you will thing some get their place easily some have to work hard to create that place.

Life is not only about a certain kind of intelligence or performance it has other important factors as well like adaptability ,social quotient, physical and emotional intelligence and many more .When you are going through hard times of your life you are picked by god or life so you can handle that challenge and come out as a stronger person.
I feel when you are born ,you are born with your own place ,the place is there somewhere in this world for you as well just the way it is for others. When this whole universe is existing and nature is running it’s course, even when you are not feeding every animal ,it is still existing in the best possible way.
So, why can’t you.

You can too ,yes have to find that place that is out there because YOU MATTER.

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Isha Khanna
Motivational Speaker & Coach


  1. Speechless. Loved your post.

  2. Your writing will make the person fall in love with self. Really inspiring a,nd making everyone feel important.

  3. Brilliantly written...👏👏👏👏 Keep movitating and inspiring people..👍

  4. Amazing gives really a good confidence currently who might be going through some down phase and more energy who is already aiming or being strong in achieving purpose

  5. That's an excellent read... Everyone is unique in one's own form. We must acknowledge this fact and accept. This is something to ponder over. The tree observation is a beautiful example ..keep inspiring..wish you all the luck👍👍👍

  6. Thank you ma'am for motivation


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