
Showing posts from 2020

Connect ,Correct and Considerate -Useful Cs of communication for Parents

Once there was a girl, who was very cute and beautiful at heart. Her name was Saumya and she was at a marriageable age. Saumya always believed that she is not beautiful.No matter what people tell her she would not believe that. Her father Faizal got extremely worried but all his efforts were going in vein and Saumya would remain gloomy most of the time. One day Faizal heard about a Hermit so he decided to take help from him. Hermit said something in his ear and he came back. The next morning, Faizal went to Saumya's room and asked a few questions.  Faizal: Saumya, what makes you feel that you are not beautiful? Saumya: I don't know Daddy,I just feel that I am not beautiful. Faizal: What qualities make you beautiful? Saumya: A person who has fair skin, beautiful eyes, slim and Tall body is beautiful. (Saumya was a girl with short height, wheatish complexion and unusual blue eyes) Faizal: Ok, but what do you think, Will these qualities last long? Saumya: I don't know Daddy bu

Stereotypes are fictional- A guide to healthy relationships for Children

Stereotypes are created by the influence that our surroundings,tv,movies,media have on all of us and we start looking at the world with the same vision that we have seen or has shown to us. when a daily soap or series is shown,I would tend to forget that all the characters were fictional and would start relating that to reality. When I was growing up watching people behaving in some way or actors acting some character may be good or bad,I tend to relate the role or rather relation that the character is playing with reality. For ex-if I was fond of a drama where in Sameer ,a lead actor is playing the role of a good husband .I would relate all the qualities of Sameer with a good husband. In the same way if Kalki is doing the role of a cruel or bad mother in law,I tend to connect the qualities of her with a mother in law. So ,if the stereotype qualities that I had in my mind of a good boss fits then I was happy at my workplace and if it doesn't fit then I was having diffic

You Matter

 You matter This is for all the children, all the men and all the women in the world, Each one of you matter . Whether you are a success or a failure, whether you are talented by birth or just the one who hasn’t figured it out yet. When you are sitting in your room alone and all your classmates or colleagues have gone for lunch  and your mind has started wandering. You might be wondering at times looking at the children or people around ,various why's of your life. Why I am huge, why I am thin, why I am fat, why I am dark, why I am so quiet, why I don’t have any talent, why I am not born in the kind of family that my friend has, why I don’t get things easily and many more.  Let me tell you, even though you are all that you don’t want may be, still You Matter. Yes , You matter ! You are important ! .You have been born in this world as a human being as you have something in you through with which you can serve your purpose. What that purpose is ,you will have to identify. Sometimes i

Poem on Confidence

Poem on Confidence Confidence is a feeling ,it's an attitude, Feel good within and keep paying gratitude, Disliking yourself won't change anything, Acceptance is the key to everything. Don't like something have the courage to change it, If you can't change then it's wise to embrace it, Quality that seems like  a weakness today, Might act as your biggest strength some day. Keep working on yourself day in and day out, You are the star of Universe ! There isn't any doubt, The super power is watching you from the sky above, Keep filling your heart with immense love. Just like a full pot doesn't make any noise, The love within overflows to reach every corner of choice, Trust your struggles it'll bring the best in you, Grow everyday with a vision inside you. God is showering blessings in every way, Thankfulness helps to get what he is trying to say, Confidence is a feeling it's an attitude, Feel good within and keep paying gratitude.  

Poem from Children to God

A poem from children to God : When there was no lockdown We could jump up and down Evenings were just like fun Could even play in the sun When there was no lockdown We play round and round Day would just pass by It seems ,we just got up ... When we had to say good night When there was no lockdown Children could swing and slide So many places to hide Love to enjoy the train ride Me first me first with a pride When there was no lockdown Would wait for the summers Holidays, just round the corner Grandpa grandma is waiting Parents can now go dating When there was no lockdown Would play hand in hand Plan a potluck every weekend Visit to a friend's house for stay Was a great way to spend our day When there was no lockdown Could eat out and visit to mall Can we get back all ! New babies who are born Don't know how to talk to unknown When there was no lockdown Humans were creating a mess around