
Showing posts from August, 2023

5ways to improve relationship with a teenage child

"Am I looking at the same 15-year-old👩 who was so connected and enthusiastic to be with me when she was 5👩‍👧?  Now, she prefers to lock🔒 herself in her room for the whole day. I wonder🫤 to myself..." Asked a participant in the training session on Proactive Parenting for a corporate in Della Resort, Lonavala. As parents, we embark on a remarkable journey of nurturing and guiding our children through the ups and downs of life.  From those first tentative steps to their first day at school, we stand as their pillars💝 of support. However, as the years pass and our children grow into independent individuals, a complex emotion😑 can begin to emerge - parental disconnection. This bittersweet phenomenon is a natural part of the parenting process, yet it often catches us off guard.  Why does it happen?  As our children evolve into their own personalities, interests, and experiences, they naturally seek more autonomy and space.  This gradual detachment can lead to a sense of dist

3 strategies to become disciplined while working in a corporate

"It is difficult to maintain a disciplined life when you are working in a corporate..." Said a friend of mine recently. It is not strange 🤔 as people often fall into the trap of the corporate world 🏤 🌍 .  However, any person, event or situation can take your power 💪  away if you let it.  In the same way, if you allow being driven by corporate life then it will leave you empty-handed.  You will always find yourself struggling with time and it would seem as if you are born only to work 🏣 and sleep 😴 . In this blog, I am sharing 3 potent strategies to harness discipline and thrive in the dynamic world of business: **1. Prioritized Routine ⏲ :  Establishing a well-structured routine is essential for disciplined success. Begin by defining your most crucial tasks and allotting specific time slots for them.  Prioritize activities that align with your goals, ensuring that you allocate focused blocks of time ⏳  to work on them.  Incorporate regular breaks to recharge

3 ways Indian companies can increase diversity and hence Indian economy

When I received an offer letter📃 from a company at EON Tower🗼 in Pune, I faced a dilemma🤔... The company required a six-day workweek📅, which meant I'd be spending less time with my👩‍👦‍👦 children (3 yr and 10 yr old). While I wanted to provide for my family's wants, compromising on family time and leaving my children with less-educated childcare wasn't appealing👎 to me. This sentiment resonates not just with me, but with countless women🇮🇳👩 across India. Women desire ♥️to work, make a name for themselves👮‍♀️, win awards🏆, and climb the corporate ladder🪜. However, many of us aren't willing to sacrifice our family's well-being for career advancement.  This isn't solely a women's issue; it's a shared concern nationwide😟🇮🇳. According to📊, women have constituted a significant portion of India's employable talent since 2016.  But what happens when a woman gets married👰‍♀️ or becomes a mother🤰? Many are forced to leave the

5 Tips for Work Friends

I like to keep my work friends different from my personal life friends.... These were the words of a friend who worked in a company in Denmark when he visited us.The statement stuck to my mind. Its important to have a clear distinction between professional friends and personal life friends and problem arises when people forget to do that. So,here are my five top tips to keep in mind for work friends: 1. Communication is Key:  Just like in any friendship, open and honest communication is vital. Discuss work-related issues and expectations openly to avoid misunderstandings. 2. Respect Boundaries:  Remember that work friendships exist within a professional context. Respect your colleagues' personal space and boundaries, and avoid oversharing or discussing sensitive topics. 3. Offer Help:  Extend a helping hand to your friends when they need it. Whether it's work-related assistance or personal support, your friendship can thrive through mutual support. 4. Equal Treatmen

5 Reasons women are not looked upon as competitive as men in an Indian company or a corporate

You are not enough for us... No matter how passionate and eager to learn I was, they still insisted that my experience wasn't sufficient. Just because a woman has to take a break and prioritize her family, it shouldn't diminish her competence. Why is it always framed as Career vs. Family life for women? Can't we have both together? This is a question that constantly lingers in my mind when my career break is seen as a negative gap in my professional journey. I vividly recall not compromising on my learning during my pregnancy and while taking care of my small baby. I sacrificed my 8 hours of sleep to study for at least 2 hours daily, even when my elder daughter was only 6 months old. Interestingly, when a woman prioritizes her career over family, it is often not viewed favorably, especially in Indian companies that don't provide enough options for them. I see this as a reason why women are sometimes compensated less than men, and surprisingly, even some wome