
Showing posts from July, 2023

3 ways to positively influence your company's culture

 “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into the water, the actions of individuals can have a far-reaching effect.” ~Dalai Lama. What is Ripple Effect? The “Ripple Effect” refers to the impact or consequences of a decision, action, or change made within a company that extends beyond its immediate scope and influences other aspects of the organization or even external stakeholders Sure! Let’s consider a small example of the ripple effect in the context of a positive habit: Example: Expressing Gratitude Initial Action: Alisha, an employee, starts a daily habit of expressing gratitude by thanking her colleagues for their help and support. She sincerely appreciates their efforts and lets them know through a simple “thank you” or a note of appreciation. Immediate Impact: Alisha‘s colleagues feel acknowledged and valued for their contributions. They feel motivated to continue assisting each other and contributing to a positive work environment. Ripple Effect — First Leve

3 Personality Development Tips for New Managers

  Personality development is an ongoing journey, and for managers, it plays a vital role in their effectiveness and their ability to successfully lead their teams. Today, I will share three personality development tips specifically tailored for managers who are embarking on their leadership journey . Cultivate self-awareness:  Begin by developing a deep understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and personality traits. This self-awareness will help you leverage your strengths and work on areas that require improvement. Let me share a few lines on Self Awareness that I shared with my connections a few days back: “ Humans look alike in some or another way. Our lives appear similar, though our journeys are very different. The journey from birth to death is about knowing oneself, enjoying life experiences, feeling emotions as a human, and fulfilling the purpose of birth. Yet, we often get so caught up in short-term fulfilment that we completely forget about life's virtues.” 2

Embracing Change: A Holistic Approach for Achieving Successful Organizational Transformation

  Change, an undeniable and permanent aspect of life, often evokes mixed emotions and resistance. However, for organizations to thrive and remain competitive, adapting to change is not optional—it is essential. Kodak's failure serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the consequences of neglecting to embrace evolving market dynamics and emerging technologies, which ultimately led to its downfall in the digital photography era. In the fast-paced world of technological advancements, organizations that refuse to consistently adapt and evolve risk being overtaken by competitors with a growth mindset. Change is indeed the solution, but easier said than done. Organizations often focus solely on the technical aspects of change, disregarding the equally critical human side. Studies indicate alarmingly high failure rates in change initiatives, with actual results falling significantly short of anticipated value, sometimes reaching rates as high as 70-80% (King and Peterson, 2007). The lack