
Showing posts from April, 2022

Think positive and let go of it!

Thought for the day! A lot of times we think that we have thought positive of the other person still the person behaved unexpectedly. When we thought positive about someone it's good for us as we created positive energy around us and passed that energy to the other person. But when we get emotionally attached to our positive thought and start expecting another person to behave in the expected way that is where we are going wrong. When our parents get old thinking we want what is best for them and start making decisions on their behalf however it is not well appreciated by them. That is genuine because we would not appreciate someone making decisions on our behalf when we are getting old. It's annoying. When I started earning my mom (single parent) was running a boutique and Me and my brother encouraged her to stop working as we have started earning. We felt it was a good decision to be concerned about our parents and encourage them to stop working hard for b

The Mindset to accept Old Age Gracefully

Growing old is a natural process but feeling old isn’t! I have heard many people saying confidently that I see my life till 60 years of age post that it’s a burden. But what they don’t realise is life and death are not in our hands. When we think this way we accept that we won’t be living post 60 years of age. Due to this, we are never prepared when the transition begins to happen in reality and start feeling discontent with the new stage of life. Feeling old is a belief attached to old age. Just because, you can’t do things you could do earlier is not a good reason to feel old. There is a concept of Conscious Competence learning that we need to understand whenever adapting to a new way of living. Look at the example below to understand that and how you can apply this to your life when you want to learn a new way of living. Think of the time when you held a smartphone first time in hand. You first disliked the fact that you don’t know how to use a smartphone and you might have resisted

Tips to help others sail through Life Changing events

Regardless of where we are standing in our lives, we have someone around us who is going through changes. The child who is starting school for the first time The person who is changing their marital status The person who has been forced by circumstances to live as a single parent Or Parents who are moving to an inactive lifestyle from an active lifestyle And the list is long Whenever change happens in life it brings a lot of fear, discomfort and a lot of uncertainties about the future. When we grow up we move from being dependent to becoming independent. Then when kids arrive we grow from independence to dependence again. Then when kids grow up again we become independent again. In the process we all become old and experienced, we learn more but when we look back at the time when the change was happening, was it easy? No, it wasn't, we looked for people who could listen to us, who could understand us, and who could support us while we were handling that change in the be