
Showing posts from March, 2022

Raise a leader not a bully!

Leaders speak with conviction and bullies too - Who are you nurturing a leader or a bully? Eyes closed doesn't mean everything is alright around! Parents need to be there for their children actively to love them, support them, guide them and help them correct their behaviour when needed. Sometimes some things happen due to which we have to take a few decisions in life. If we have taken a decision try to make it right in the best way possible.  But regardless of what decision you have taken try to ensure that it doesn't affect your child to an extent that he starts acting as a bully to others. Try the following things when you feel there is something that Google can't help you with: ~Connect with people around ~Don't live your life in isolation connect with other parents regularly ~Go down for a small walk when your kids are playing so they feel your presence  ~Speak to them about their day-Ask them about the good things and the things that didn't go well

Tips to change the way things are

Knowing who you are and deciding what you want to become is all you need to change your life. Every moment consciously spent can give you a lot of insight😇 into who you are. What holds you from seeking to know why you do what you do? Have you ever bothered to understand the reason for many things why you do what you do in life? Here I am sharing the story of The Holy cat: Once upon a time in an Ashram whenever the head guru would sit for prayer with his disciples, the ashram cat would come and disturb them. Guru asked them to tie the cat when the ashram was at prayer. After the guru died, the cat continued to be tied up at worship time. After the cat died, another cat was brought into the ashram to ensure that the guru's orders were observed faithfully during the worship time. Centuries passed and learnt treatises were written by the guru's scholarly disciples on the ritualistic significance of tying the cat at worship time. Now the questions to ponder is:

How to Take your power back?

Don't make someone's opinion of you your reality~Les Brown Start with an empty slate of who you are if you want to change the way you perceive yourself today. List the qualities you have and also the qualities you want to develop. Once you have listed the aspiring qualities set a goal to develop that quality. In front of that quality give an exact date by which you want to have that aspiring quality as a part of your personality. Use the SMART goal acronym to develop qualities and habits. S-  Be specific about what quality you want to develop? M- How would you measure or how would you know if you have developed the desired quality? A- Is it achievable? Is it possible for you to acquire that quality or do you need specific resources or people to help you with that? R- Is it Relevant keeping your whole life in perspective? Does it help you achieve your overall life purpose as well? T- Have you given time by when you will be able to make this a part of your demeanour?

Tips to stop judging yourself or others

It feels bad when we are judged but what about the times when we judge others? As per science, our mind processes only 134 bits of data out of 2 million data available every time so can you see how much data is being lost? Also, do you know that we all process data differently based upon which of our five senses we use to process that data? If we are looking at the world based upon our way of looking at it, based upon our thinking and not based on what is the reality, we don't have any right to judge others. A few days back I met a lady who said that I never realised the value of behaving this way when my mom in law would do it. But now as I have entered the age I realise that if I hadn't judged her that time I would have had a much better relationship with her when she was alive. Isn't it a story of all? We all understand the situation when we face that situation ourselves, when we have to go through the same struggles we understand the struggle of others. Howe