
Showing posts from December, 2021

How to Change your life one step at a time

Your life is to a large extent the sum of all your habits – good or bad. Are you engaging yourself in something thinking it's such a small habit it won't have any major impact on your life? Then beware because no matter how small or insignificant a habit may look today but it will have a significant difference in your life, positive or negative depends upon the habit. Ex- If you want to develop your communication skills then start writing a diary entry of your day every day. while writing a diary, you may mention your day, about something significant that happened on that day or any conversation you might have had with someone or anything that you want to write. Initially, you may struggle with putting the words or your thoughts on paper. But doing it consistently will develop your habit of thinking in English and when you have to express your ideas in verbal communication you will not struggle to look for the right vocabulary. Developing a small habit of w

Work in Progress is a progress

The Winners who are winners today were normal people back then,  the significant changes they were able to create in their lives are because of their consistent efforts, hard work and belief in themselves.  You need to consistently give yourself the love you need, appreciate the small positive changes that you can see in your lives though they are significantly small for others that don't matter. What matters is that you are growing, becoming a minuscule step stronger or better than who you were the day before is an achievement that you should acknowledge and consider. These small acknowledgements play a positive role in building up self-esteem esteem. When I decided to change my sleeping schedule to 6 hrs sleep per day and get up consistently at 4 am, it seemed arduous. I wasn't successful on the first day as I have been a person who used to always struggle with time management and getting up early. Despite my past habits, I have committed myself to develop a habit

Who would you choose today?

#Who would you choose today# Are you confident enough to move away from the crowd who don't believe in you and your capabilities? The world is a great place to live for the people who are outrageous and believe in their dreams. No matter what you dream but if you are confident about your capabilities, aware of your weaknesses and ready to work upon them then you can achieve anything and reach anywhere in life. The problem with most of us is that we fear to move out of our comfort zone that we have created; What will our parents/peers think about me? What if I try to do something new and I fail? What if people laugh at me when I fail? How people will react when I take this step? The problem is when it comes to our goals we overthink what people will think and think little about what positive changes this will bring to our life as a whole. This quote of Mahatma Gandhi has helped me in my life a lot - "First they ignore you, Then they will laugh at you, Then they figh

What is more Important - Current life or creating a Dream life ?

' "You are always one decision away from a totally different life"-Mark Batterson Dream Life need not necessarily be a big car, big house or immense wealth. It can be thinking of creating a new life. For a girl who has lived in a village where educating girls is not a priority and the girl wishes to be well educated and independent can be a dream life. A person who has always lived for others and never given priority to one's dreams and aspirations wants to engage in some job or business where one can do the things one is passionate about can be a dream life. A person who had to leave the job to fulfill family commitments thinks of going back to work to be financially independent can be a dream life. A person who wishes to live an active lifestyle at 80 years of age can be a dream life. Dream Life is something that a person dreams of and visualizes most of the time till the time one starts living that in reality. But is it easy to create a dream life? No,