
Showing posts from July, 2021

Tips to Start Writing L.I.P

Rest in Peace! Rest in Peace! Recently, many of us have written or seen this on social media. Writing rest in peace or empathizing with others when they have lost their close ones was not a natural trait in me. I have seen people criticizing another person when they are alive and when the person dies, the same people talk all the good things about that person. Sometimes it's not easy so they try hard to find few good things about the person after he/she isn't alive. Isn't that weird but we all might have seen it or done it? I am not saying that don't do that but all I am trying to say is that why can't we say positive things while the other person is alive. It's easy to look at the world from our perspective, easy to criticize others if they don't fit in our mindset. It takes hard work and efforts, yes tremendous hard work at times to look for a positive in the other person. Everyone thinks their thinking is the right thinking and their perspecti

Why you need to think positive?

No matter how efficient we are, we can't control the circumstances as life is unpredictable. Still, at times we get so occupied in our pain that we don't realise that we have been acting like a victim and singing the same misery song wherever we go. when we are in that state, we don't realise that it's only my state not the state of everyone present in the room which creates negativity. Without realising we keep on talking about the thing that is happening bad in our life. There isn't anything wrong in sharing that. But the thought that my misery is the biggest of all and everyone else's life is great is a myth. Each and everyone on this planet has their own share of miseries. They might not be facing the same one like us but they have their own. Well quoted in Gurmukhi Granth: "Nanak dukhiya sab sansar". When we are so much lost we don't realise that there are other people in the same place.That time when we cry about our own misery we are acting

Top Three Tips to be a Mindful Parent

 Parenting is never easy, parents of all generations feel that it's tough when they are doing it. But it has never been easier for anyone. Time has always been changing hence, our parenting styles also need to be developed from time to time. As soon as a couple becomes parents to bring up the child to a responsible and self-dependent human, each parent evolves to be a better parent.  Though at times it seems that the other couple knows it all and they have a perfect child. They have their challenges as a parent. Here are the top three tips that can help you to be mindful in the process of evolving as a parent are: 1) Be present in your presence: It's tiring at times to do various roles at the same time. However, When we are a parent that is not always the only role that we play.  At the same time, we are a spouse, a child to our parent, an employee, a friend, a neighbour, an entrepreneur or many more. To be fully present in front of our children is something that doesn't co

Why you need to stop pleasing people?

Do you often get distracted  by the opinion people have of you? Focus is the secret of immense success. The  bad part is : *Our mind is trained in such a way that you can focus on just one thing at a time.* If you keep proving to people how good you are ,you will be wasting time in just pleasing them and after all the efforts you can't be sure that they will be pleased. Also if you keep spending time in pleasing others,cooking as per their choice,dressing as per others' choice,writing or speaking as per others' choice ,when will you live your life as per your choice. It's only one life as a human that we all have got. That doesn't mean that you stop caring about your family and friends.It means that you start setting *Healthy boundaries* with your friends and family members. When my daughter was 2 years old I set a boundary with her that dinner is the last meal that she can have and she will only get a glass of milk after that.This rule enabled her

How to develop confidence to create your dream life

On the path of creating our dream life, we tend to chicken out quite often. When I started my journey towards creating my dream life nothing was clear and it never seemed easy.  The reason was obvious as I was looking at the lives of people in my neighbourhood, friends or my colleagues and how they were adjusting and struggling in their lives. Successful people were also there but as I held on to an old belief that "Rich gets richer" so it made me believe that as I am not rich I can never get richer so I stopped putting in efforts and accepted life as most people do. Another belief was "You can't have it all", people in my surroundings always highlighted that successful people don't have a good family life or good relations, they just have wealth but no close ones with them. If you aim to be successful then you will have to lose out on relations, friendships, health and other important areas of life. I couldn't afford to do that so I never tried to be su

Best Tip to Raise Your self esteem

Want to Raise Your Self-Esteem? Start adding value to someone's life. There isn't any particular way; you can do it in various ways. By listening  By empathizing By supporting By encouraging By Being there By Monetary support By Educating By Guiding  By Mentoring and Many more… It doesn’t matter what is your way as far as you are adding value to the lives of people you get in touch with. Read the story below : (Story source: 29 Gifts)  Every Sunday morning I take a light jog around a park near my home. There’s a lake located in one corner of the park. Each time I jog by this lake, I see the same elderly woman sitting at the water’s edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her. This past Sunday my curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped jogging and walked over to her. As I got closer, I realized that the metal cage was in fact a small trap. There were three turtles, unharmed, slowly walking around the base of the trap. She had a fourth turtle in her lap that sh

Tips for a Healthy And Happy Life

  The reasons for an unhealthy mind and body can be many like: Ø Lack of awareness Ø Unhealthy lifestyle Ø Wrong Influence Ø Pregnancy Ø Wrong Sleep Schedules Negative mindset Ø Hormonal problems or many more But the solution can come only when you are ready. Ready for what, Ready to commit to yourself "I am going to have a healthy mind and body." Choosing the right kind of food and allowing positive thoughts that will help you on your journey. I can relate it's not an easy deal when you are at the beginning of this journey of a Healthy Mind and Body. However, As very well quoted by Martin Luther King Jr. "If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward” I had a habit of eating 5 biscuits or a glass of carbonated Soda with every meal every day, To stop eating all of them on day 1 seemed impossible so I never started. Mention in the comments if you can relate to this.