
Showing posts from February, 2021

Thoughts have Power- Pick the one that Empowers

We all might have heard that stress is bad, stress is harmful but do you know it can reduce the size of our brain? Has it ever happened to you that your day is going really well and all of sudden, a terrible thought came to your mind and it changed your mood so badly that now you are feeling dull and lame? I will tell you it has happened recently with me. I am an enthusiastic trainer and coach, very passionate about my life and work. I was working on a module about dressing professionally. It was going really well that all of sudden I gave attention to thought about something is missing in me. I gave attention to that thought so much that I left working on the module and started feeling bad about the thing which is missing. The feeling became so strong that I started moving around the house sluggishly. At one point, I felt as if I want to stay with that thought and continue feeling bad about how life is treating me. All of sudden, my eyes went on my to-do list and I realized that there

Results are just Results

Results are just results Never give them power to insult Mere a perception of people Should make you strong not feeble Parameters can be many Know them to won awards like Emmy Results give you pride & glory Doesn't every failure brings a new story When results don't match the expectations Lead many towards depression Its an opportunity to work hard Remember this isn't the whole life but a part Results are just results Don't give them power to define you When failure comes your way Look within to work in a different way Results give you idea about your efforts Never lose hope and be amongst herds Your act of participation Should increase your determination You are one step ahead of the crowd Keep moving ahead with Proud Look at the big picture  Event is just a part of a Huge Sculpture Your world begins with you ,You are the Center piece Always give yourself the love you need The world is a perception of you Redefine it to make it beneficial for you The Life is a long