
Showing posts from January, 2021

8 Powerful Tips that can turn your dreams into reality

  8 Powerful Tips that can turn your dreams into reality Your true transformation happens the day you sit and think about what you want in life. The way your life is today, it’s not a surprise whether you accept it or not but it has been created by you. Yes, whether intentionally or accidentally by giving energy to the things that you never wanted, by thinking about the people who don’t appreciate you, by recalling and reliving the painful memories in your imagination consciously and subconsciously. I promise you that you will keep creating the same reality again and again for yourself unless you create a new blueprint of the reality that you want. Isn’t it surprising? but let me assure you my friend you are not alone  Most people in this world are dissatisfied in their lives because they never thought about what they want in life. They are so busy complaining and criticizing the life they are living that they don’t have any time to think about the life they want to live. Till