
Showing posts from October, 2020

Stereotypes are fictional- A guide to healthy relationships for Children

Stereotypes are created by the influence that our surroundings,tv,movies,media have on all of us and we start looking at the world with the same vision that we have seen or has shown to us. when a daily soap or series is shown,I would tend to forget that all the characters were fictional and would start relating that to reality. When I was growing up watching people behaving in some way or actors acting some character may be good or bad,I tend to relate the role or rather relation that the character is playing with reality. For ex-if I was fond of a drama where in Sameer ,a lead actor is playing the role of a good husband .I would relate all the qualities of Sameer with a good husband. In the same way if Kalki is doing the role of a cruel or bad mother in law,I tend to connect the qualities of her with a mother in law. So ,if the stereotype qualities that I had in my mind of a good boss fits then I was happy at my workplace and if it doesn't fit then I was having diffic